WISE 12 micron full-sky dust map
Low-resolution HEALPix samples
For those interested in a quick exploration of the WSSA data, we have produced
low-resolution HEALPix maps in Galactic coordinates:
- These maps are intended primarily for initial convenience rather than production-stage science. Users are strongly
encouraged to make use of the full-resolution tiles rather than these samples.
- These maps incorporate some interpolation based on the
bit-masks. Optimal bit-mask usage can vary
depending on the specific scientific applications and/or sky locations of
- These maps have been binned to pixel sizes much larger than the actual
15'' resolution of the WSSA tiles.
- These maps only show the "clean" extension of the
WSSA tiles. Bit-masks are not included due to the ambiguities in rebinning.
- Reading and displaying the nside=8192 map can be problematic in IDL. Depending on your FITS reading routine and IDL version, it may be necessary to unzip the file from the command line before IDL read-in. IDL 8.1 and later should properly display the nside=8192 map.
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Aaron Meisner, ude.oaon@rensiema
Doug Finkbeiner, ude.dravrah.afc@reniebknifd