starting at 2022-07-28T10:58:09.836776 Command-line args: ['/n/holylfs05/LABS/finkbeiner_lab/Lab/saydjari/ExtSoftware/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/', '--gpsf', '--early-coadds', '-s', 'image_coadds', '--no-write', '--bands', 'grizY', '--skip-calibs', '-v', '--brick', '2631m212'] Got survey: LegacySurveyData: dir /n/holylfs05/LABS/finkbeiner_lab/Lab/saydjari/Projects/legacysurvey/survey-dir/, out . Starting process 55738 Wall: -0.00 s, CPU: -0.00 s, VmPeak: 411 MB, VmSize: 411 MB, VmRSS: 93 MB, VmData: 144 MB, maxrss: 0.09524 MB Runstage image_coadds Runstage mask_junk Runstage tims Running stage tims Running stage tims at 2022-07-28T10:58:10.217494 Warning: failed to get version string for "numpy" Warning: failed to get version string for "scipy" Warning: failed to get version string for "wcslib" Warning: failed to get version string for "astropy" Warning: failed to get version string for "photutils" Warning: failed to get version string for "ceres" Warning: failed to get version string for "sextractor" Warning: failed to get version string for "psfex" Warning: failed to get version string for "astrometry_net" Warning: failed to get version string for "tractor" Warning: failed to get version string for "fitsio" Warning: failed to get version string for "unwise_coadds" Warning: failed to get version string for "python" Warning: failed to get version string for "unwise_coadds_timeresolved" Warning: failed to get version string for "legacysurvey" Warning: failed to get version string for "legacypipe" Warning: failed to get version string for "dust" Reading CCDs from /n/holylfs05/LABS/finkbeiner_lab/Lab/saydjari/Projects/legacysurvey/survey-dir/survey-ccds-decaps2.1-zps-abscal6-add2-noJup.fits.gz Got 1300250 CCDs Total of 1300250 CCDs 60 CCDs touching target WCS Finding blacklisted CCDs. Cameras: ['decam'] Checking 60 images from camera decam Keeping 60 non-blacklisted CCDs from camera decam 60 CCDs not in blacklist Unique filters: ['Y' 'g' 'i' 'r' 'z'] Cut on filter: 60 CCDs remain. Cutting out non-photometric CCDs... Finding photometric CCDs. Cameras: ['decam'] Checking 60 images from camera decam Flagged 56 more non-photometric using criterion: zpt not finite Keeping 4 photometric CCDs from camera decam 4 of 60 CCDs are photometric Cutting on CCDs to be used for fitting... DECam 00760937-S19 g exptime 96.0 propid 2018B-0271 seeing 0.94 object None DECam 00760936-S19 r exptime 30.0 propid 2018B-0271 seeing 0.94 object None DECam 00745474-S19 i exptime 30.0 propid 2018A-0251 seeing 0.86 object None DECam 00745473-S19 z exptime 30.0 propid 2018A-0251 seeing 0.78 object None [serial tims] Finding images touching brick: Wall: 5.11 s, CPU: 5.04 s, VmPeak: 2248 MB, VmSize: 1372 MB, VmRSS: 1056 MB, VmData: 1100 MB, maxrss: 1.977908 MB Reading DECam 00760937-S19 Applying astrometric zeropoint: (0.0, 0.0) Reading image slice: (slice(2564, 4095, None), slice(1, 1626, None)) Reading image from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180802_011341_ooi_g_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 ('S19', 'S19') Reading inverse-variance from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180802_011341_oow_g_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 Reading data quality from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180802_011341_ood_g_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 Instantiating and subtracting sky model Using PSF model GaussianMixturePSF: amps=(1.0,), means=(0.0, 0.0), var=(2.346894922625803, 0.0, 0.0, 2.346894922625803) Reading DECam 00760936-S19 Applying astrometric zeropoint: (0.0, 0.0) Reading image slice: (slice(2571, 4095, None), slice(0, 1629, None)) Reading image from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180802_011243_ooi_r_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 ('S19', 'S19') Reading inverse-variance from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180802_011243_oow_r_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 Reading data quality from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180802_011243_ood_r_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 Instantiating and subtracting sky model WARNING: image median 0.015127783 is more than 1 sigma away from zero! Using PSF model GaussianMixturePSF: amps=(1.0,), means=(0.0, 0.0), var=(2.3160513836045267, 0.0, 0.0, 2.3160513836045267) Reading DECam 00745474-S19 Applying astrometric zeropoint: (0.0, 0.0) Reading image slice: (slice(2511, 4095, None), slice(1, 1618, None)) Reading image from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180512_092616_ooi_i_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 ('S19', 'S19') Reading inverse-variance from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180512_092616_oow_i_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 Reading data quality from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180512_092616_ood_i_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 Instantiating and subtracting sky model WARNING: image median 0.03597164 is more than 1 sigma away from zero! Using PSF model GaussianMixturePSF: amps=(1.0,), means=(0.0, 0.0), var=(1.9666064086192843, 0.0, 0.0, 1.9666064086192843) Reading DECam 00745473-S19 Applying astrometric zeropoint: (0.0, 0.0) Reading image slice: (slice(2520, 4095, None), slice(1, 1634, None)) Reading image from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180512_092516_ooi_z_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 ('S19', 'S19') Reading inverse-variance from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180512_092516_oow_z_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 Reading data quality from /n/fink2/decaps2/c4d_180512_092516_ood_z_decaps2.fits.fz hdu 18 Instantiating and subtracting sky model WARNING: image median 0.0631575 is more than 1 sigma away from zero! Using PSF model GaussianMixturePSF: amps=(1.0,), means=(0.0, 0.0), var=(1.6161939523976458, 0.0, 0.0, 1.6161939523976458) [parallel tims] Read 4 images: Wall: 1.40 s, CPU: 1.11 s, VmPeak: 2248 MB, VmSize: 1613 MB, VmRSS: 1167 MB, VmData: 1339 MB, maxrss: 1.977908 MB Total of 10097270 pixels read Cut bands to ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] Stage tims : Wall: 6.51 s, CPU: 6.15 s, VmPeak: 2248 MB, VmSize: 1613 MB, VmRSS: 1167 MB, VmData: 1339 MB, maxrss: 1.977908 MB Stage tims finished: 2022-07-28T10:58:16.726238 Resources for stage tims : Total serial CPU 5.0418285979999995 Total serial Wall 5.107952999999999 Total worker CPU 0.0 Total worker Wall 0.0 Total parallel Wall 1.401232 Total parallel CPU 1.1047563469999995 Grand total CPU: 6.1 sec Grand total Wall: 6.5 sec Grand total CPU utilization: 0.94 cores Grand total efficiency: 94.4 % Stage tims finished Running stage mask_junk Running stage mask_junk at 2022-07-28T10:58:16.726756 Stage mask_junk : Wall: 2.54 s, CPU: 2.49 s, VmPeak: 2248 MB, VmSize: 1639 MB, VmRSS: 1193 MB, VmData: 1364 MB, maxrss: 1.977908 MB Stage mask_junk finished: 2022-07-28T10:58:19.262464 /n/holylfs05/LABS/finkbeiner_lab/Lab/saydjari/ExtSoftware/legacypipe/py/legacypipe/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide depth = 5. / np.sqrt(det) Resources for stage mask_junk : Total serial CPU 2.4946847549999998 Total serial Wall 2.536034 Total worker CPU 0.0 Total worker Wall 0.0 Total parallel Wall 0.0 Total parallel CPU 0.0 Grand total CPU: 2.5 sec Grand total Wall: 2.5 sec Grand total CPU utilization: 0.98 cores Grand total efficiency: 98.4 % Stage mask_junk finished Running stage image_coadds Running stage image_coadds at 2022-07-28T10:58:19.262963 Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-ccds.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-ccds.fits Doing Lanczos resampling Computing coadd for band g Applying surface-brightness scaling of 0.998 to 00760937-S19 g Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-image-g.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-image-g.fits Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-invvar-g.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-invvar-g.fits Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-nexp-g.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-nexp-g.fits.gz Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-depth-g.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-depth-g.fits.gz Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-galdepth-g.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-galdepth-g.fits.gz Computing coadd for band r Applying surface-brightness scaling of 0.998 to 00760936-S19 r Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-image-r.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-image-r.fits Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-invvar-r.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-invvar-r.fits Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-nexp-r.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-nexp-r.fits.gz Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-depth-r.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-depth-r.fits.gz Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-galdepth-r.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-galdepth-r.fits.gz Computing coadd for band i Applying surface-brightness scaling of 0.998 to 00745474-S19 i Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-image-i.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-image-i.fits Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-invvar-i.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-invvar-i.fits Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-nexp-i.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-nexp-i.fits.gz Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-depth-i.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-depth-i.fits.gz Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-galdepth-i.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-galdepth-i.fits.gz Computing coadd for band z Applying surface-brightness scaling of 0.998 to 00745473-S19 z Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-image-z.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-image-z.fits Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-invvar-z.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-invvar-z.fits Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-nexp-z.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-nexp-z.fits.gz Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-depth-z.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-depth-z.fits.gz Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-galdepth-z.fits.gz Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-galdepth-z.fits.gz coadds: images: Wall: 6.69 s, CPU: 6.50 s, VmPeak: 2593 MB, VmSize: 2544 MB, VmRSS: 1795 MB, VmData: 2264 MB, maxrss: 1.977908 MB Computing unique brick pixels... 11783788 of 12960000 pixels are unique to this brick g ptsrc band depth map: percentiles [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 24.62465096 24.62465096] g gal band depth map: percentiles [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 24.2315979 24.2315979] r ptsrc band depth map: percentiles [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 23.56750488 23.56750488] r gal band depth map: percentiles [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 23.17099762 23.17099762] i ptsrc band depth map: percentiles [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22.90352821 22.90352821] i gal band depth map: percentiles [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22.46256065 22.46256065] z ptsrc band depth map: percentiles [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22.48847961 22.48847961] z gal band depth map: percentiles [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 21.99002075 21.99002075] Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-depth.fits Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-depth.fits Warning: band i not used in creating RGB image pngtopnm /n/holylfs05/LABS/finkbeiner_lab/Lab/saydjari/decaps/tmp/tmpme49zl_h.png | pnmtojpeg -quality 90 > ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-image.jpg -> 0 Wrote ./coadd/263/2631m212/tmp-legacysurvey-2631m212-image.jpg Renamed to ./coadd/263/2631m212/legacysurvey-2631m212-image.jpg Stage image_coadds : Wall: 14.61 s, CPU: 13.42 s, VmPeak: 2815 MB, VmSize: 1652 MB, VmRSS: 1203 MB, VmData: 1372 MB, maxrss: 2.183104 MB Stage image_coadds finished: 2022-07-28T10:58:33.870953 Resources for stage image_coadds : Total serial CPU 13.439709018999999 Total serial Wall 14.634 Total worker CPU 0.0 Total worker Wall 0.0 Total parallel Wall 0.0 Total parallel CPU 0.0 Grand total CPU: 13.4 sec Grand total Wall: 14.6 sec Grand total CPU utilization: 0.92 cores Grand total efficiency: 91.8 % Stage image_coadds finished All done: Wall: 23.65 s, CPU: 22.07 s, VmPeak: 2815 MB, VmSize: 1652 MB, VmRSS: 1203 MB, VmData: 1372 MB, maxrss: 2.183104 MB Total serial CPU 20.977155490999998 Total serial Wall 22.278924 Total worker CPU 0.0 Total worker Wall 0.0 Total parallel Wall 1.401232 Total parallel CPU 1.1047563469999995 Grand total CPU: 22.1 sec Grand total Wall: 23.7 sec Grand total CPU utilization: 0.93 cores Grand total efficiency: 93.3 %