Data Model: c4d_190131_083848_ooi_i_v1

General Description
This file is the template data model file. It is meant as a guideline to how to write each data model file. The main categories (in bold) should be respected, but extra information can be included as appropriate. The example sections below are primarily related to FITS files.
Naming Convention
c4d_190131_083848_ooi_i_v1\.cat\.cer\.fits, Replace this filename with a regular expression that matches the file name. For example, a six-digit number would correspond to [0-9]{6}. template-123456.fits would be template-[0-9]{6}\.fits
Approximate Size
332 MB
File Type
Generated by Product
sas (can be any set of product names)

This should contain internal links to parts of the file (if any).

Example HDU Template: Delete This


This section should contain any information related to the primary header. Keywords are listed in the table below. There are three types of values for keywords:

Explicit Values
The keyword must be present and must have the value given in the table.
Allowed Values
The keyword must be present and must conform to the regular expression given in the table. That is, the keyword may have a range of possible values.
Checked Values
The keyword must be present but may have any value as long as it is the correct type.

If a keyword might not be present in a FITS file, it should not be listed in this table, but a note should be made in the datamodel file.

Header in HDU

Required Header Keywords
SIMPLETboolConforms to FITS standard. This is a good example of an explicit value.
BITPIX-32int32 bit floating point. This is another good example of an explicit value.
NAXIS2intExample explicit value.
NAXIS12048intExample explicit value.
NAXIS21489intExample explicit value.
EXTENDTboolExtensions may be present. Example explicit value.

Optional Binary Table in HDU

Required Header Keywords


[Summarize contents of this HDU]

HDU Type
HDU Size
8 bytes
Header Table Caption for HDU0
SIMPLETrueNot Implementedfile does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX64Not Implementednumber of bits per data pixel
NAXIS1Not Implementednumber of data axes
NAXIS11Not Implementedlength of data axis 1
EXTENDTrueNot ImplementedFITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyNot Implemented
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359HNot Implemented
DATE2019-02-05T11:32:16Not ImplementedDate FITS file was generated
IRAF-TLM2019-02-05T11:33:48Not ImplementedTime of last modification
ORIGINNOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003Not ImplementedFITS file originator
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyNot Implemented
COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359HNot Implemented
OBJECTDECaPS_16254_iNot ImplementedName of the object observed
PROCTYPEInstCalNot ImplementedData processing level
PRODTYPEimageNot ImplementedData product type
PIXSCAL10.27Not Implemented[arcsec/pixel] Pixel scale, axis 1
PIXSCAL20.27Not Implemented[arcsec/pixel] Pixel scale, axis 2
OBS-LONG70.81489Not Implemented[deg] Observatory east longitude
TELESCOPCTIO 4.0-m telescopeNot ImplementedTelescope name
OBSERVATCTIONot ImplementedObservatory name
OBS-LAT-30.16606Not Implemented[deg] Observatory latitude
OBS-ELEV2215.0Not Implemented[m] Observatory elevation
INSTRUMEDECamNot ImplementedInstrument used to obtain these data
EXPREQ30.0Not Implemented[s] Requested exposure duration
EXPTIME30.0Not Implemented[s] Exposure duration
EXPDUR30.0Not Implemented[s] Exposure duration
DARKTIME31.22684Not Implemented[s] Dark time
OBSIDct4m20190131t083848Not ImplementedUnique Observation ID
DATE-OBS2019-01-31T08:38:48.779639Not ImplementedDateTime of observation start (UTC)
TIME-OBS08:38:48.779639Not ImplementedTime of observation start (UTC)
MJD-OBS58514.3602868Not ImplementedMJD of observation start
MJD-END58514.360634022Not ImplementedExposure end
OPENSHUT2019-01-31T08:38:48.941510Not ImplementedTime when shutter opened (UTC)
TIMESYSUTCNot ImplementedTime system
EXPNUM818267Not ImplementedDECam exposure number
OBSTYPEobjectNot ImplementedType of observation
CAMSHUTOpenNot ImplementedCamera shutter at exposure start
PROGRAMMapping Dust in 3D with DECam: A Galactic Plane SurveyNot ImplementedCurrent obs
OBSERVERCatherine ZuckerNot ImplementedObserver name(s)
PROPOSERFinkbeinerNot ImplementedProposal Principle Investigator
DTPIFinkbeinerNot ImplementedProposal Principle Investigator (iSTB)
PROPID2018B-0271Not ImplementedProposal ID
EXCLUDEDNot ImplementedDECam components not used for this frame
AOSTrueNot ImplementedAOS data available if true
BCAMFalseNot ImplementedBCAM data available if true
GUIDER1Not ImplementedGuider (0-absent,1-ok,2-lost star,3-los
SKYSTATTrueNot ImplementedCloud camera (RASICAM) available if true
FILTERi DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0Not ImplementedUnique filter identifier
FILTPOScassette_3Not ImplementedFilter position in FCM
INSTANCEDECam_20190130Not ImplementedSISPI instance name
ERRORSNoneNot ImplementedSISPI readout errors
TELEQUIN2000.0Not ImplementedEquinox of telescope coordinates
TELSTATTrackNot ImplementedTelescope tracking status
RA14:16:29.70Not Implemented[h] RA exposure center
DEC-54:48:34.0Not Implemented[deg] DEC exposure center
CENTRA214.1237Not Implemented[deg] RA exposure center
CENTDEC-54.80944Not Implemented[deg] DEC exposure center
CORN1RA212.240549Not Implemented[deg] RA exposure corner
CORN1DEC-55.788318Not Implemented[deg] DEC exposure corner
CORN2RA216.005124Not Implemented[deg] RA exposure corner
CORN2DEC-55.788318Not Implemented[deg] DEC exposure corner
CORN3RA212.240549Not Implemented[deg] RA exposure corner
CORN3DEC-53.826854Not Implemented[deg] DEC exposure corner
CORN4RA216.005124Not Implemented[deg] RA exposure corner
CORN4DEC-53.826854Not Implemented[deg] DEC exposure corner
TELRA14:16:29.687Not Implemented[HH:MM:SS] Telescope RA
TELDEC-54:48:43.394Not Implemented[DD:MM:SS] Telescope DEC
HA-01:41:15.330Not Implemented[HH:MM:SS] Telescope hour angle
ZD30.64Not Implemented[deg] Telescope zenith distance
AZ151.0973Not Implemented[deg] Telescope azimuth angle
DOMEAZ150.773Not Implemented[deg] Dome azimuth angle
ZPDELRA-5.5239Not Implemented[arcsec] Telescope zeropoint adjustment (RA)
ZPDELDEC121.8Not Implemented[arcsec] Telescope zeropoint adjustment (DEC)
TELFOCUS-1432.28,2076.61,2422.53,-156.05,-203.01, 0.00Not ImplementedDECam hexapod setti
VSUBTrueNot ImplementedTrue if CCD substrate voltage is on
GSKYPHOTFalseNot ImplementedRASICAM global sky clear flag
LSKYPHOTFalseNot ImplementedRASICAM local sky clear flag
WINDSPD19.795Not Implemented[m/s] Wind speed
WINDDIR39.0Not Implemented[deg] Wind direction (from North)
HUMIDITY75.0Not Implemented[%] Ambient relative humidity (outside)
PRESSURE777.0Not Implemented[Torr] Barometric pressure (outside)
DIMMSEENaNNot Implemented[arcsec] DIMM Seeing
DIMM2SEENaNNot Implemented[arcsec] DIMM2 Seeing
MASS2NaNNot ImplementedMASS(2) FSEE
ASTIG10.06Not Implemented4MAPS correction 1
ASTIG2-0.01Not Implemented4MAPS correction 2
OUTTEMP12.2Not Implemented[deg C] Outside temperature
AIRMASS1.16Not ImplementedAirmass
GSKYVAR0.098Not ImplementedRASICAM global sky standard deviation
GSKYHOT0.419Not ImplementedRASICAM global sky fraction above threshold
LSKYVARNaNNot ImplementedRASICAM local sky standard deviation
LSKYHOTNaNNot ImplementedRASICAM local sky fraction above threshold
LSKYPOWNaNNot ImplementedRASICAM local sky normalized power
MSURTEMP13.6Not Implemented[deg C] Mirror surface average temperature
MAIRTEMP13.5Not Implemented[deg C] Mirror temperature above surface
UPTRTEMP12.691Not Implemented[deg C] Upper truss average temperature
LWTRTEMPNaNNot Implemented[deg C] Lower truss average temperature
PMOSTEMP13.4Not Implemented[deg C] Mirror top surface temperature
UTN-TEMP12.92Not Implemented[deg C] Upper truss temperature north
UTS-TEMP12.445Not Implemented[deg C] Upper truss temperature south
UTW-TEMP12.855Not Implemented[deg C] Upper truss temperature west
UTE-TEMP12.545Not Implemented[deg C] Upper truss temperature east
PMN-TEMP13.5Not Implemented[deg C] Mirror north edge temperature
PMS-TEMP13.5Not Implemented[deg C] Mirror south edge temperature
PMW-TEMP13.9Not Implemented[deg C] Mirror west edge temperature
PME-TEMP13.5Not Implemented[deg C] Mirror east edge temperature
DOMELOW13.46Not Implemented[deg C] Low dome temperature
DOMEHIGH0.0Not Implemented[deg C] High dome temperature
DOMEFLOR11.5Not Implemented[deg C] Dome floor temperature
G-MEANX0.0538Not Implemented[arcsec] Guider x-axis mean offset
G-MEANY0.1032Not Implemented[arcsec] Guider y-axis mean offset
DONUTFS4[0.51,0.90,-8.83,0.00,-0.13,-0.01,0.15,-0.06,-0.49,]Not ImplementedMean Wavefron
DONUTFS3[]Not ImplementedMean Wavefront for Sensor FS3
DONUTFS2[1.15,0.59,-8.68,0.36,0.01,-0.24,0.16,0.38,0.03,]Not ImplementedMean Wavefront f
DONUTFS1[1.33,1.74,8.78,0.39,0.08,0.06,0.04,0.25,0.12,]Not ImplementedMean Wavefront for
G-FLXVAR11243346.39Not Implemented[arcsec] Guider mean guide star flux variances
G-MEANXY0.001968Not Implemented[arcsec2] Guider (xy) 2nd moment mean offset
DONUTFN1[0.54,2.44,-8.92,-0.03,0.06,-0.16,-0.16,0.28,-0.28,]Not ImplementedMean Wavefron
DONUTFN2[]Not ImplementedMean Wavefront for Sensor FN2
DONUTFN3[1.84,1.97,-8.78,-0.05,-0.15,-0.01,-0.33,0.09,0.34,]Not ImplementedMean Wavefron
DONUTFN4[1.22,1.68,8.75,0.01,-0.31,-0.00,-0.16,-0.14,0.24,]Not ImplementedMean Wavefront
TIME_RECORDED2019-01-31T08:39:41.091687Not Implemented
G-FEEDBK10, 5Not Implemented[%] Guider feedback (HA, dec)
G-CCDNUM2Not ImplementedNumber of guide CCDs that remained active
DOXT0.07Not Implemented[arcsec] X-theta from donut analysis
G-MAXX0.1239Not Implemented[arcsec] Guider x-axis maximum offset
FADZ7.95Not Implemented[um] FA Delta focus.
FADY43.08Not Implemented[um] FA Delta Y.
FADX-0.05Not Implemented[um] FA Delta X.
G-MODEautoNot ImplementedGuider operation mode
FAYT-6.79Not Implemented[arcsec] FA Delta Y-theta.
DODZ7.95Not Implemented[um] Delta-Z from donut analysis
DODY-1.1Not Implemented[um] Y-decenter from donut analysis
DODX-1.56Not Implemented[um] X-decenter from donut analysis
MULTIEXPFalseNot ImplementedFrame contains multiple exposures if true
SKYUPDAT2019-01-31T08:38:34Not ImplementedTime of last RASICAM exposure (UTC)
G-SEEING2.13Not Implemented[arcsec] Guider average seeing
G-TRANSP0.634Not ImplementedGuider average sky transparency
G-MEANY20.009375Not Implemented[arcsec2] Guider (y) 2nd moment mean offset
DOYT-0.11Not Implemented[arcsec] Y-theta from donut analysis
G-LATENC1.292Not Implemented[s] Guider avg. latency between exposures
LUTVERv20160516Not ImplementedHexapod Lookup Table version
FAXT-4.2Not Implemented[arcsec] FA Delta X-theta.
G-MAXY0.2623Not Implemented[arcsec] Guider y-axis maximum offset
G-MEANX20.002243Not Implemented[arcsec2] Guider (x) 2nd moment mean offset
SISPIVERtrunkNot ImplementedSISPI software version
CONSTVERDECAM:69Not ImplementedSISPI constants version
HDRVER13Not ImplementedDECam fits header version
ODATEOBS2019-01-31T08:38:48.779639Not Implemented
DTNSANAMc4d_190131_083848_ooi_i_v1.fits.fzNot Implemented
DTINSTRUdecamNot Implemented
DTACQNAM/data_local/images/DTS/2018B-0271/DECam_00818267.fits.fzNot Implemented
DTSITEctNot Implemented
DTCALDAT2019-01-30Not Implemented
DTTELESCct4mNot Implemented
DTPROPID2018B-0271Not Implemented
DETSIZE[1:29400,1:29050]Not ImplementedDetector size
CCDSEC[1:2048,1:4096]Not ImplementedCCD section to display
CCDBIN11Not ImplementedPixel binning, axis 1
CCDBIN21Not ImplementedPixel binning, axis 2
DHEINFMNSN fermi hardwareNot ImplementedDHE Hardware
DHEFIRMdemo30Not ImplementedDHE Firmware
RADESYSFK5Not ImplementedWorld coordinate reference frame
EQUINOX2000.0Not ImplementedMean equinox
VALIDATrueNot ImplementedData from amp A is valid
VALIDBTrueNot ImplementedData from amp B is valid
NDONUTS0Not ImplementedAOS number of donuts analyzed for this CCD
= / = ' 'Not Implemented
PHOTFLAG0Not ImplementedNight Photometric (1) or not (0)
XTALKFILxtalk_20130606.txtNot ImplementedCrosstalk file
BANDiNot Implemented
NITE20190130Not Implemented
LINCFILlinearity_table_v0.4.fitsNot ImplementedNonlinearity correction file
FZALGORRICE_1Not Implemented
FZQVALUE16Not Implemented
HISTORYDESDM: mkbleedmask -m -b 5 -f 1.0 -l 7 -n 7 -r 5 -s 40 -t 20 -v 3 -y 1.0Not Implemented
HISTORY -E 5 /data/sharedfs/deccp/NHPPS_DATA/DCP/DCP_CCD/DEC18B_20190115_93bf6bNot Implemented
HISTORY.fitsNot Implemented
DES_EXTIMAGENot Implemented
RADECSYSICRSNot ImplementedAstrometric system
SCAMPFLG0Not ImplementedWCS successful
PHOTREFGaiaNot ImplementedPhotometric ref. catalog
MAGZERO29.304Not Implemented[mag] Magnitude zero point
MAGZPT25.611Not Implemented[mag] Magnitude zero point per sec
NPHTMTCH264379Not ImplementedNumber of phot. stars matched
PUPILSKY196.4092Not Implemented
PUPILMAX1.464733Not Implemented
PUPILAMP0.007457556Not Implemented
SKYORDER8Not Implemented
SKYSUB196.4484Not Implemented
NEXTEND2Not Implemented
FILENAMEDEC18B_20190115_93bf6b8-i-20190131T083848_oiNot Implemented
PLVERV4.1Not Implemented
PLDNAMEDEC18B_20190115_93bf6b8Not Implemented
PLQUEUEDEC18BNot Implemented
PLQNAME20190115Not Implemented
PLPROCID93bf6b8Not Implemented
PLFNAMEDEC18B_20190115_93bf6b8-i-20190131T083848_oiNot Implemented
WCSCALSuccessfulNot ImplementedAstrometric calibration


[Summarize contents of this HDU]

HDU Type
HDU Size
4 MB
Header Table Caption for HDU1
XTENSIONBINTABLENot Implementedbinary table extension
BITPIX8Not Implemented8-bit bytes
NAXIS2Not Implemented2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1184Not Implementedwidth of table in bytes
NAXIS223588Not Implementednumber of rows in table
PCOUNT0Not Implementedsize of special data area
GCOUNT1Not Implementedone data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS38Not Implementednumber of fields in each row
EXTNAMES29_CATNot Implementedname of this binary table extension
TDIM1(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM2(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM3(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM4(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM5(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM6(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM7(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM8(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM9(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM10(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM11(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM12(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM13(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM14(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM15(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM16(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM17(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM18(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM19(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM20(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM21(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM22(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM23(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM24(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM25(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM26(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM27(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM28(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM29(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM30(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM31(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM32(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM33(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM34(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM35(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM36(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM37(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
TDIM38(1)Not Implementedsize of the multidimensional array
Binary Table Caption for HDU1
Xfloat64[1]Not Implemented
Yfloat64[1]Not Implemented
FLUXfloat32[1]Not Implemented
PASSNOfloat64[1]Not Implemented
DXfloat32[1]Not Implemented
DYfloat32[1]Not Implemented
DFLUXfloat32[1]Not Implemented
QFfloat32[1]Not Implemented
RCHI2float32[1]Not Implemented
FRACFLUXfloat32[1]Not Implemented
FLUXLBSfloat32[1]Not Implemented
DFLUXLBSfloat32[1]Not Implemented
FWHMfloat32[1]Not Implemented
SPREAD_MODELfloat32[1]Not Implemented
DSPREAD_MODELfloat32[1]Not Implemented
FLUXISOfloat32[1]Not Implemented
XISOfloat64[1]Not Implemented
YISOfloat64[1]Not Implemented
FLAGSint32[1]Not Implemented
SKYfloat32[1]Not Implemented
RAfloat64[1]Not Implemented
DECfloat64[1]Not Implemented
DECAPSIDint64[1]Not Implemented
GAINfloat32[1]Not Implemented
PRNfloat32[1]Not Implemented
PRLfloat32[1]Not Implemented
PRRfloat32[1]Not Implemented
PREfloat32[1]Not Implemented
DCFLUXfloat32[1]Not Implemented
DCFLUX_DIAGfloat32[1]Not Implemented
CFLUXfloat32[1]Not Implemented
FDB_RESfloat32[1]Not Implemented
FDB_PREDfloat32[1]Not Implemented
CCHI2float32[1]Not Implemented
KCOND0float32[1]Not Implemented
KCONDfloat32[1]Not Implemented
KPREDfloat32[1]Not Implemented
DNTfloat32[1]Not Implemented


This section is the place to put examples of use and other comments. You may also add example files to the datamodel and link to them here.

Example File