, Replace this filename with a
regular expression that matches the file name. For example, a six-digit number would
correspond to [0-9]{6}
. template-123456.fits
would be template-[0-9]{6}\.fits
This should contain internal links to parts of the file (if any).
This section should contain any information related to the primary header. Keywords are listed in the table below. There are three types of values for keywords:
If a keyword might not be present in a FITS file, it should not be listed in this table, but a note should be made in the datamodel file.
Key | Value | Type | Comment |
SIMPLE | T | bool | Conforms to FITS standard. This is a good example of an explicit value. |
BITPIX | -32 | int | 32 bit floating point. This is another good example of an explicit value. |
NAXIS | 2 | int | Example explicit value. |
NAXIS1 | 2048 | int | Example explicit value. |
NAXIS2 | 1489 | int | Example explicit value. |
EXTEND | T | bool | Extensions may be present. Example explicit value. |
Name | Type | Unit | Description |
[Summarize contents of this HDU]
Key | Value | Type | Comment |
SIMPLE | True | Not Implemented | file does conform to FITS standard |
BITPIX | 64 | Not Implemented | number of bits per data pixel |
NAXIS | 1 | Not Implemented | number of data axes |
NAXIS1 | 1 | Not Implemented | length of data axis 1 |
EXTEND | True | Not Implemented | FITS dataset may contain extensions |
COMMENT | FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy | Not Implemented | |
COMMENT | and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H | Not Implemented | |
DATE | 2019-02-05T11:32:16 | Not Implemented | Date FITS file was generated |
IRAF-TLM | 2019-02-05T11:33:48 | Not Implemented | Time of last modification |
ORIGIN | NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003 | Not Implemented | FITS file originator |
COMMENT | FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy | Not Implemented | |
COMMENT | and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H | Not Implemented | |
OBJECT | DECaPS_16254_i | Not Implemented | Name of the object observed |
PROCTYPE | InstCal | Not Implemented | Data processing level |
PRODTYPE | image | Not Implemented | Data product type |
PIXSCAL1 | 0.27 | Not Implemented | [arcsec/pixel] Pixel scale, axis 1 |
PIXSCAL2 | 0.27 | Not Implemented | [arcsec/pixel] Pixel scale, axis 2 |
OBS-LONG | 70.81489 | Not Implemented | [deg] Observatory east longitude |
TELESCOP | CTIO 4.0-m telescope | Not Implemented | Telescope name |
OBSERVAT | CTIO | Not Implemented | Observatory name |
OBS-LAT | -30.16606 | Not Implemented | [deg] Observatory latitude |
OBS-ELEV | 2215.0 | Not Implemented | [m] Observatory elevation |
INSTRUME | DECam | Not Implemented | Instrument used to obtain these data |
EXPREQ | 30.0 | Not Implemented | [s] Requested exposure duration |
EXPTIME | 30.0 | Not Implemented | [s] Exposure duration |
EXPDUR | 30.0 | Not Implemented | [s] Exposure duration |
DARKTIME | 31.22684 | Not Implemented | [s] Dark time |
OBSID | ct4m20190131t083848 | Not Implemented | Unique Observation ID |
DATE-OBS | 2019-01-31T08:38:48.779639 | Not Implemented | DateTime of observation start (UTC) |
TIME-OBS | 08:38:48.779639 | Not Implemented | Time of observation start (UTC) |
MJD-OBS | 58514.3602868 | Not Implemented | MJD of observation start |
MJD-END | 58514.360634022 | Not Implemented | Exposure end |
OPENSHUT | 2019-01-31T08:38:48.941510 | Not Implemented | Time when shutter opened (UTC) |
TIMESYS | UTC | Not Implemented | Time system |
EXPNUM | 818267 | Not Implemented | DECam exposure number |
OBSTYPE | object | Not Implemented | Type of observation |
CAMSHUT | Open | Not Implemented | Camera shutter at exposure start |
PROGRAM | Mapping Dust in 3D with DECam: A Galactic Plane Survey | Not Implemented | Current obs |
OBSERVER | Catherine Zucker | Not Implemented | Observer name(s) |
PROPOSER | Finkbeiner | Not Implemented | Proposal Principle Investigator |
DTPI | Finkbeiner | Not Implemented | Proposal Principle Investigator (iSTB) |
PROPID | 2018B-0271 | Not Implemented | Proposal ID |
EXCLUDED | Not Implemented | DECam components not used for this frame | |
AOS | True | Not Implemented | AOS data available if true |
BCAM | False | Not Implemented | BCAM data available if true |
GUIDER | 1 | Not Implemented | Guider (0-absent,1-ok,2-lost star,3-los |
SKYSTAT | True | Not Implemented | Cloud camera (RASICAM) available if true |
FILTER | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | Not Implemented | Unique filter identifier |
FILTPOS | cassette_3 | Not Implemented | Filter position in FCM |
INSTANCE | DECam_20190130 | Not Implemented | SISPI instance name |
ERRORS | None | Not Implemented | SISPI readout errors |
TELEQUIN | 2000.0 | Not Implemented | Equinox of telescope coordinates |
TELSTAT | Track | Not Implemented | Telescope tracking status |
RA | 14:16:29.70 | Not Implemented | [h] RA exposure center |
DEC | -54:48:34.0 | Not Implemented | [deg] DEC exposure center |
CENTRA | 214.1237 | Not Implemented | [deg] RA exposure center |
CENTDEC | -54.80944 | Not Implemented | [deg] DEC exposure center |
CORN1RA | 212.240549 | Not Implemented | [deg] RA exposure corner |
CORN1DEC | -55.788318 | Not Implemented | [deg] DEC exposure corner |
CORN2RA | 216.005124 | Not Implemented | [deg] RA exposure corner |
CORN2DEC | -55.788318 | Not Implemented | [deg] DEC exposure corner |
CORN3RA | 212.240549 | Not Implemented | [deg] RA exposure corner |
CORN3DEC | -53.826854 | Not Implemented | [deg] DEC exposure corner |
CORN4RA | 216.005124 | Not Implemented | [deg] RA exposure corner |
CORN4DEC | -53.826854 | Not Implemented | [deg] DEC exposure corner |
TELRA | 14:16:29.687 | Not Implemented | [HH:MM:SS] Telescope RA |
TELDEC | -54:48:43.394 | Not Implemented | [DD:MM:SS] Telescope DEC |
HA | -01:41:15.330 | Not Implemented | [HH:MM:SS] Telescope hour angle |
ZD | 30.64 | Not Implemented | [deg] Telescope zenith distance |
AZ | 151.0973 | Not Implemented | [deg] Telescope azimuth angle |
DOMEAZ | 150.773 | Not Implemented | [deg] Dome azimuth angle |
ZPDELRA | -5.5239 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Telescope zeropoint adjustment (RA) |
ZPDELDEC | 121.8 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Telescope zeropoint adjustment (DEC) |
TELFOCUS | -1432.28,2076.61,2422.53,-156.05,-203.01, 0.00 | Not Implemented | DECam hexapod setti |
VSUB | True | Not Implemented | True if CCD substrate voltage is on |
GSKYPHOT | False | Not Implemented | RASICAM global sky clear flag |
LSKYPHOT | False | Not Implemented | RASICAM local sky clear flag |
WINDSPD | 19.795 | Not Implemented | [m/s] Wind speed |
WINDDIR | 39.0 | Not Implemented | [deg] Wind direction (from North) |
HUMIDITY | 75.0 | Not Implemented | [%] Ambient relative humidity (outside) |
PRESSURE | 777.0 | Not Implemented | [Torr] Barometric pressure (outside) |
DIMMSEE | NaN | Not Implemented | [arcsec] DIMM Seeing |
DIMM2SEE | NaN | Not Implemented | [arcsec] DIMM2 Seeing |
MASS2 | NaN | Not Implemented | MASS(2) FSEE |
ASTIG1 | 0.06 | Not Implemented | 4MAPS correction 1 |
ASTIG2 | -0.01 | Not Implemented | 4MAPS correction 2 |
OUTTEMP | 12.2 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Outside temperature |
AIRMASS | 1.16 | Not Implemented | Airmass |
GSKYVAR | 0.098 | Not Implemented | RASICAM global sky standard deviation |
GSKYHOT | 0.419 | Not Implemented | RASICAM global sky fraction above threshold |
LSKYVAR | NaN | Not Implemented | RASICAM local sky standard deviation |
LSKYHOT | NaN | Not Implemented | RASICAM local sky fraction above threshold |
LSKYPOW | NaN | Not Implemented | RASICAM local sky normalized power |
MSURTEMP | 13.6 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Mirror surface average temperature |
MAIRTEMP | 13.5 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Mirror temperature above surface |
UPTRTEMP | 12.691 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Upper truss average temperature |
LWTRTEMP | NaN | Not Implemented | [deg C] Lower truss average temperature |
PMOSTEMP | 13.4 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Mirror top surface temperature |
UTN-TEMP | 12.92 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Upper truss temperature north |
UTS-TEMP | 12.445 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Upper truss temperature south |
UTW-TEMP | 12.855 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Upper truss temperature west |
UTE-TEMP | 12.545 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Upper truss temperature east |
PMN-TEMP | 13.5 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Mirror north edge temperature |
PMS-TEMP | 13.5 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Mirror south edge temperature |
PMW-TEMP | 13.9 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Mirror west edge temperature |
PME-TEMP | 13.5 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Mirror east edge temperature |
DOMELOW | 13.46 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Low dome temperature |
DOMEHIGH | 0.0 | Not Implemented | [deg C] High dome temperature |
DOMEFLOR | 11.5 | Not Implemented | [deg C] Dome floor temperature |
G-MEANX | 0.0538 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Guider x-axis mean offset |
G-MEANY | 0.1032 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Guider y-axis mean offset |
DONUTFS4 | [0.51,0.90,-8.83,0.00,-0.13,-0.01,0.15,-0.06,-0.49,] | Not Implemented | Mean Wavefron |
DONUTFS3 | [] | Not Implemented | Mean Wavefront for Sensor FS3 |
DONUTFS2 | [1.15,0.59,-8.68,0.36,0.01,-0.24,0.16,0.38,0.03,] | Not Implemented | Mean Wavefront f |
DONUTFS1 | [1.33,1.74,8.78,0.39,0.08,0.06,0.04,0.25,0.12,] | Not Implemented | Mean Wavefront for |
G-FLXVAR | 11243346.39 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Guider mean guide star flux variances |
G-MEANXY | 0.001968 | Not Implemented | [arcsec2] Guider (xy) 2nd moment mean offset |
DONUTFN1 | [0.54,2.44,-8.92,-0.03,0.06,-0.16,-0.16,0.28,-0.28,] | Not Implemented | Mean Wavefron |
DONUTFN2 | [] | Not Implemented | Mean Wavefront for Sensor FN2 |
DONUTFN3 | [1.84,1.97,-8.78,-0.05,-0.15,-0.01,-0.33,0.09,0.34,] | Not Implemented | Mean Wavefron |
DONUTFN4 | [1.22,1.68,8.75,0.01,-0.31,-0.00,-0.16,-0.14,0.24,] | Not Implemented | Mean Wavefront |
TIME_RECORDED | 2019-01-31T08:39:41.091687 | Not Implemented | |
G-FEEDBK | 10, 5 | Not Implemented | [%] Guider feedback (HA, dec) |
G-CCDNUM | 2 | Not Implemented | Number of guide CCDs that remained active |
DOXT | 0.07 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] X-theta from donut analysis |
G-MAXX | 0.1239 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Guider x-axis maximum offset |
FADZ | 7.95 | Not Implemented | [um] FA Delta focus. |
FADY | 43.08 | Not Implemented | [um] FA Delta Y. |
FADX | -0.05 | Not Implemented | [um] FA Delta X. |
G-MODE | auto | Not Implemented | Guider operation mode |
FAYT | -6.79 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] FA Delta Y-theta. |
DODZ | 7.95 | Not Implemented | [um] Delta-Z from donut analysis |
DODY | -1.1 | Not Implemented | [um] Y-decenter from donut analysis |
DODX | -1.56 | Not Implemented | [um] X-decenter from donut analysis |
MULTIEXP | False | Not Implemented | Frame contains multiple exposures if true |
SKYUPDAT | 2019-01-31T08:38:34 | Not Implemented | Time of last RASICAM exposure (UTC) |
G-SEEING | 2.13 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Guider average seeing |
G-TRANSP | 0.634 | Not Implemented | Guider average sky transparency |
G-MEANY2 | 0.009375 | Not Implemented | [arcsec2] Guider (y) 2nd moment mean offset |
DOYT | -0.11 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Y-theta from donut analysis |
G-LATENC | 1.292 | Not Implemented | [s] Guider avg. latency between exposures |
LUTVER | v20160516 | Not Implemented | Hexapod Lookup Table version |
FAXT | -4.2 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] FA Delta X-theta. |
G-MAXY | 0.2623 | Not Implemented | [arcsec] Guider y-axis maximum offset |
G-MEANX2 | 0.002243 | Not Implemented | [arcsec2] Guider (x) 2nd moment mean offset |
SISPIVER | trunk | Not Implemented | SISPI software version |
CONSTVER | DECAM:69 | Not Implemented | SISPI constants version |
HDRVER | 13 | Not Implemented | DECam fits header version |
ODATEOBS | 2019-01-31T08:38:48.779639 | Not Implemented | |
DTNSANAM | c4d_190131_083848_ooi_i_v1.fits.fz | Not Implemented | |
DTINSTRU | decam | Not Implemented | |
DTACQNAM | /data_local/images/DTS/2018B-0271/DECam_00818267.fits.fz | Not Implemented | |
DTSITE | ct | Not Implemented | |
DTCALDAT | 2019-01-30 | Not Implemented | |
DTTELESC | ct4m | Not Implemented | |
DTPROPID | 2018B-0271 | Not Implemented | |
DETSIZE | [1:29400,1:29050] | Not Implemented | Detector size |
CCDSEC | [1:2048,1:4096] | Not Implemented | CCD section to display |
CCDBIN1 | 1 | Not Implemented | Pixel binning, axis 1 |
CCDBIN2 | 1 | Not Implemented | Pixel binning, axis 2 |
DHEINF | MNSN fermi hardware | Not Implemented | DHE Hardware |
DHEFIRM | demo30 | Not Implemented | DHE Firmware |
RADESYS | FK5 | Not Implemented | World coordinate reference frame |
EQUINOX | 2000.0 | Not Implemented | Mean equinox |
VALIDA | True | Not Implemented | Data from amp A is valid |
VALIDB | True | Not Implemented | Data from amp B is valid |
NDONUTS | 0 | Not Implemented | AOS number of donuts analyzed for this CCD |
= / = ' ' | Not Implemented | ||
PHOTFLAG | 0 | Not Implemented | Night Photometric (1) or not (0) |
XTALKFIL | xtalk_20130606.txt | Not Implemented | Crosstalk file |
BAND | i | Not Implemented | |
NITE | 20190130 | Not Implemented | |
LINCFIL | linearity_table_v0.4.fits | Not Implemented | Nonlinearity correction file |
FZALGOR | RICE_1 | Not Implemented | |
FZDTHRSD | CHECKSUM | Not Implemented | |
FZQVALUE | 16 | Not Implemented | |
HISTORY | DESDM: mkbleedmask -m -b 5 -f 1.0 -l 7 -n 7 -r 5 -s 40 -t 20 -v 3 -y 1.0 | Not Implemented | |
HISTORY | -E 5 /data/sharedfs/deccp/NHPPS_DATA/DCP/DCP_CCD/DEC18B_20190115_93bf6b | Not Implemented | |
HISTORY | .fits | Not Implemented | |
DES_EXT | IMAGE | Not Implemented | |
RADECSYS | ICRS | Not Implemented | Astrometric system |
SCAMPFLG | 0 | Not Implemented | WCS successful |
PHOTREF | Gaia | Not Implemented | Photometric ref. catalog |
MAGZERO | 29.304 | Not Implemented | [mag] Magnitude zero point |
MAGZPT | 25.611 | Not Implemented | [mag] Magnitude zero point per sec |
NPHTMTCH | 264379 | Not Implemented | Number of phot. stars matched |
PUPILSKY | 196.4092 | Not Implemented | |
PUPILMAX | 1.464733 | Not Implemented | |
PUPILAMP | 0.007457556 | Not Implemented | |
SKYORDER | 8 | Not Implemented | |
SKYSUB | 196.4484 | Not Implemented | |
NEXTEND | 2 | Not Implemented | |
FILENAME | DEC18B_20190115_93bf6b8-i-20190131T083848_oi | Not Implemented | |
PLVER | V4.1 | Not Implemented | |
PLDNAME | DEC18B_20190115_93bf6b8 | Not Implemented | |
PLQUEUE | DEC18B | Not Implemented | |
PLQNAME | 20190115 | Not Implemented | |
PLPROCID | 93bf6b8 | Not Implemented | |
PLFNAME | DEC18B_20190115_93bf6b8-i-20190131T083848_oi | Not Implemented | |
WCSCAL | Successful | Not Implemented | Astrometric calibration |
[Summarize contents of this HDU]
Key | Value | Type | Comment |
XTENSION | BINTABLE | Not Implemented | binary table extension |
BITPIX | 8 | Not Implemented | 8-bit bytes |
NAXIS | 2 | Not Implemented | 2-dimensional binary table |
NAXIS1 | 184 | Not Implemented | width of table in bytes |
NAXIS2 | 23588 | Not Implemented | number of rows in table |
PCOUNT | 0 | Not Implemented | size of special data area |
GCOUNT | 1 | Not Implemented | one data group (required keyword) |
TFIELDS | 38 | Not Implemented | number of fields in each row |
EXTNAME | S29_CAT | Not Implemented | name of this binary table extension |
TDIM1 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM2 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM3 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM4 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM5 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM6 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM7 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM8 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM9 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM10 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM11 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM12 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM13 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM14 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM15 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM16 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM17 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM18 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM19 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM20 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM21 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM22 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM23 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM24 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM25 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM26 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM27 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM28 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM29 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM30 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM31 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM32 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM33 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM34 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM35 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM36 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM37 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
TDIM38 | (1) | Not Implemented | size of the multidimensional array |
Name | Type | Unit | Description |
X | float64[1] | Not Implemented | |
Y | float64[1] | Not Implemented | |
FLUX | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
PASSNO | float64[1] | Not Implemented | |
DX | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
DY | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
DFLUX | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
QF | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
RCHI2 | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
FRACFLUX | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
FLUXLBS | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
DFLUXLBS | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
FWHM | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
SPREAD_MODEL | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
DSPREAD_MODEL | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
FLUXISO | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
XISO | float64[1] | Not Implemented | |
YISO | float64[1] | Not Implemented | |
FLAGS | int32[1] | Not Implemented | |
SKY | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
RA | float64[1] | Not Implemented | |
DEC | float64[1] | Not Implemented | |
DECAPSID | int64[1] | Not Implemented | |
GAIN | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
PRN | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
PRL | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
PRR | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
PRE | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
DCFLUX | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
DCFLUX_DIAG | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
CFLUX | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
FDB_RES | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
FDB_PRED | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
CCHI2 | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
KCOND0 | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
KCOND | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
KPRED | float32[1] | Not Implemented | |
DNT | float32[1] | Not Implemented |
This section is the place to put examples of use and other comments. You may also add example files to the datamodel and link to them here.